Last Day For PROPERTY!

Re. Countdown Rothschilds' bankers have CANCELLED DEBT TO BANKS! NEXT WEEK THEY'LL KILL CRIMINAL & PROPERTY LAW !! TOGETHER WITH WEALTH & FUTURE of their OWNERS. FOREVER, IF THEIR KILLING OF THEIR CLIENT SUCCEED! Today is official DEADLINE for paying my August's fee to the storing company for preventing DESTROYING MY LAST PROPERTY after the place in which it was before (my privetely owned 4-rooms APARTMENT) was destroyed for me forever by Barclays bank two years ago. Although there still remains several hours before the actual end of the day, it's safe to say Rothschilds bankers WILL NOT PAY THEIR DEBT #1 to me, once again, as usual. And taking into account the fact of their previous stealing ALL MY MONEY, that means I am once again approaching a fatal event of becoming 100% PROPERTYLESS! WANNA KNOW HOW THAT FEELS? SINCE NEXT WEEK YOU CAN! IF ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO REMAIN ALIVE! As Barclays' CEOs have SHIFTED their debts to me, after mak...