
Сообщения за май, 2019

Rule of Law 2019

Just for official record: Beloy's words  of 2017 are fully applicable to the current situation: "Facts tell Barclays' CEOs attempt TO KILL  ME!!! This is ABSULUTELY UNPRECEDENTED BANKING FRAUD: The CEOs already DESTROYED ALL my (1)  MONEY , (2) HOME, (3)  PROPERTY , (4)  GLOBAL DEBT , ... AND NOW ARE AFTER MY LIFE, - TOGETHER WITH THEIR OWN FUTURE!!!" " Me and my supporters for  YEARS  were applying to Regulator, the  Bank Of England  ( http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/07/open-letter-of-july-25.html ),  Financial Conduct Authority  ( http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/10/to-fcaf.html ),  Serious Fraud Office  ( http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/12/back-to-serious-fraud-office-sfo.html ), then to them  ALL  ( http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/12/urgently-to-barclaysboefcasfobis.html ), to British Parliament, HM The Queen, and to the  PRESS  ( http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/201...

Who Will Die First?

Re.  Bgate2018.blogspot.com/2019/04/world-immediate-help-required.html , result of FRAUDULENT Rothschilds' silence On February 20 Sergiy Beloy wrote : " TWELVE HOURS  TO ACTUAL   BURING ME  ALIVE BY BARCLAYS CEOs " No one from the side of Barclays bank made any move to help him then. And by now Mr Beloy was doomed to be DEAD!!!  However, once again, he managed to do a real Miracle to survive at that time. But .. Counting only on miracles and desperate heroism of innocent victims of the actual SERIAL KILLER (in the sense of constant attempts of Barclays' CEOs to kill Sergiy Beloy since at least 2017)   is not a civilized way for dealing with crimes, isn't it? Nevertheless, today we see how CEOs of Rothschilds' Barclays bank replicate the same killing once again: TWELVE HOURS  TO ACTUAL   BURING Mr Beloy  ALIVE BY ROTHSCHILDS ' Barclays CEOs Just one small NON-PAYMENT  of $100 of Rothschilds' Barcl...


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Why Rothschilds Kill John Lennon -3

1979 2019 Refusal of Rothchilds' Barclays bank to pay its debts to its customer Sergiy Beloy today, RIGHT NOW AND HERE , despite all our warnings , resulted only in evolving our " Why Rothschilds Kill John Lennon " story into the DEADLY FATAL for Rothschilds family scenario: Its dreamy wealth is going to disappear! Last time we found out that  Rothschilds could be inbolved in KILLING of John Lennon because they want to become Gods!  Today it's even more serious: The Devil offered mankind a " Religion Of Money ". And those who profess this religion actually worship the one whom Christ, - and recently Lennon, - refused to worship two thousand years ago. The Bible can provide a multidimensional view of the whole picture. The most powerful temptation the Devil offered to Jesus Christ in the desert was a proposal to obtain a super power over all people of the world (such king families as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs , ... already have...

3 Days Countdown!

URGENT! Re.:  https://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2019/04/breaking-news.html https://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2019/03/why-rothschilds-kill-john-lennon.html https://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2019/04/why-rothschilds-kill-john-lennon-2.html Rothschilds did nothing to stop the killing of Sergiy Beloy their Barclays' CEOs triggered three years ago. In addition, in just 3 days they will traditionally(!) try to kill him by destroying his last property he managed to save by real Miracle, - by paying for its storing every(!) month despite being because of Rothschilds' Barclays bank with no money at all. The DEADLINE for this month' payment is in 3 days, and Rothchilds watch it SADISTICALLY just like Barclays' CEOs do it last two years! Meanwhile, Rothschild/Barclays 3 Days Countdown is on its way too: It's obvious we never forget about Barclays' debt. NEVER! Guess what we will do NEXT Hint for Rothschilds/Rockefellers' banking syst...