
Сообщения за июнь, 2019


Re. Infinite Banking Crime . "Professional KILLERS Should Do Their Job With Smile ..." Look in the eyes of Jes Staley (at center), current Barclays' CEO, on the picture taken five days ago on June 12, 2019 - exactly at the time when his customer  Sergiy Beloy DIES OF HUNGER BECAUSE OF JES  WITHOUT ANY MONEY AT ALL(!!!), SLEEPING AT THE STREETS OF EU WHERE BARCLAYS FORCED HIM TO GO ON HIS OWN EXPENSE JUST TO  OBTAIN HIS OWN MONEY BACK READING EVERY DAY DEMANDS TO PAY DEBTS OF ROTHSCHILDS' BARCLAYS CEOs INSTEAD OF THEM! WITH CONSTANT RISK OF DESTROYING HIS LAST PROPERTY NOT STOLEN BY ROTHSCHILDS' CEOs YET: The letter above of main manager to  Sergiy Beloy says his (Rothschilds') Debt is NOT PAID, thus adding FINES FOR THE DELAY! Today is exactly 10 DAYS  since DEADLINE for the really DEADLY DEBT OF Rothschilds' Barclays CEOs to Sergiy Beloy, which they HAVE NOT PAID UP TO NOW, TH...

Rothschilds KILL NWO!!!

Re.:  Crime Of Century -2 ,  Crime Of Century , Robbery-2019 , and  INFINITE Banking Crime New World Order  is not a conspiracy theory! The word "Conspiracy" means something hidden or secret. Preparations for NWO are NOT HIDDEN or secret! Existence of NWO concept is openly promoted in public, e.g., in official speeches of recent American Presidents, starting from R. Reigan  and George Bush: The motto "You Control Debt - You Control Everything!" is behind practical implementation of the NWO! Main idea is to use people's DEBTS to financial elites for transforming the people into SLAVES of the elites. CASH WILL DISAPPEAR (slaves do not work for cash). Now SENSATIONAL News! Rothchilds KILL their own "New World Order"?!! Technically, by "SELF-DESTRUCTION", out of   Greed and Arrogance of Rothschilds'  CEOs, in particular, at the Barclays banks. After launching BMoney ,  - response for n...

Crime Of The Century -3

Re.: Crime Of Century -2 ,  Crime Of Century-1 , Robbery-2019 , and  INFINITE Banking Crime The " BGate " - The Biggest Crime Of The Century! A kind of the famous "WaterGate" scandal - started in 2000, when lawyers(!) of the second biggest British bank Barclays Plc cut access of its client Sergiy Beloy to his money for his refusal to break the Law!!! Since then the same lawyers additionally cancelled his right to know exact reasons for the cutting, ignoring his numerous requests to present him a full text of the laws or rules they used for that, let alone any document with Beloy's consent for that signed by him explicitly. How anyone could possibly be able to comply with any rule, if its content has always been hidden artificially? Since then, professional Barclays lawyers  deliberately pushed the whole story beyond the Law, thus making it really EXCEPTIONAL! See just one example of fighting it: After patient waiting for just returning his money...

Crime Of The Century -2

This is UPDATE for (1) Crime Of Century , (2) Robbery-2019 , and (3) INFINITE Banking Crime By this Open Letter, We DEMAND from the governmental UK Serious Fraud Office, financial regulator, Bank Of England, FCA, the top national (UK) Economic Crime Board , and others, to STOP CEOs of Rothschilds' Barclays banks from constant attempts of KILLING their client and biggest ever Creditor, AND START URGENT ACTIONS FOR SAVING HIS LIFE AND PROPERTY  THROUGH IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY  FINANCIAL HELP VIA INSTANT WesternUnion money transfers towards DEBTS TO HIM at http://bmoney2017.blogspot.com/2019/05/debts-to-me-summary.html, beginning from   http://bmoney2017.blogspot.com/2019/05/my-bill-for-rothschilds-1.html Why client of Barclays bank is forced to  live AT STREETS of EU during recent YEARS(!), practically  DYING OF HUNGER AND COLD  - DESPITE HAVING ACCOUNTS  in Barclays Bank, and ...  read EVE...

Robbery 2019 - Stolen INTERNET!

EMERGENCY NEWS! LAST NIGHT (from June 6 to 7, 2019), Sergiy Beloy , - THE BIGGEST EVER CREDITOR OF Rothschilds (currently for INFINITE DEBT), - WAS ROBBED ONCE AGAIN!!! UNBELIEVABLE! And as in the previous robbery, the thief (thieves) acted professionally fast! No need for breaking zippers on Sergiy's bag required, as they have BROKEN it already during previous robbery on May 25 . This time ONLY(!) HIS MOBILE WAS STOLEN! But,  -  WITH ALL PASSWORDS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for his TODAY'S PUBLISHING Barclays' BANKING SECRETS WE ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY TO STOP KILLING HIM BY ROTHSCHILDS' BANKING(?) TEAM!  And shortly after publishing his VIDEO on LAUNCHING BMoney-2019 We have all reasons to consider that robbery as DIRECT PREVENTION him from other  related online opportunities and   UN-GRANTED HUMAN RIGHTS FOR FREE COMMUNICATION WITH THE WORLD!  What is more, that mobile was a main tool of Sergiy for his Internet communication. In par...

INFINITE Banking Crime!

Our first response for Robbery-2019 and Barclays' silence with avoiding paying its TODAYS's DEADLINE for Debt #1 According to our Insider in the Barclays bank, its CEOs tend to LIE TO ITS SHAREHOLDERS AND OWNERS, when discussing existence of their INFINITE Debt they "successfully" created for themselves, but avoid paying it since 2012, with arrogant smile of easy superiority at their faces. After reading this post they will stop the smiling! Main point of this article is a SENSATIONAL proof that the whole concept by Sergiy Beloy of the INFINITE Debt he imposed on Barclays/BOE's CEOs is ABSOLUTELY REAL THING!  Today it's evident that that "CRAZY IDEA of using Infinity" appeared not crazy at all. Moreover, i t has always been a an integral part of main activity for any bank during last Centuries, no matter whether corresponding CEOs were competent enough to realize that or not, including the ones in Rothschilds' Barclays banks! Anyway...

Crime Of The Century

Actually, two crimes! Greatly dependent on each other. Still unclear which is bigger: #1.   Existe nce of banks per se. #2. Attempts of bankers to KILL their creditor(s). This is our official appeal to related organizations (starting from the UK Serious Fraid Office , Financial Conduct Authority, main financial regulator, The Bank Of England, Bank For International Settlements, as well as the toppest national New  Economic Crime Strategic Board ) TO  STOP  THESE CRIMES!!! #1. "Banking doesn't involve fraud,  banking IS fraud" ( Tim Madden, Monetry historian) THIS PART OF BMoney PROJECT STARTS TOMORROW   UNLESS FIRST DEBT   OF Rothschilds is paid. *** UPDATE of June 07, 2019: Rothschilds have not paid! Moreover, Mr Beloy was  ROBBED last night!