Open Letter Of July 25

Open Letter to The Bank of England (BOE),
Rothschilds' Bank For International Settlements (BIS)
 and The Barclays PLC with all its subsidiaries:

The unprecedented case of Barclays' not returning  money to its customer S. Beloy since the year 2000 triggers international interbanking scandal "Bgate" (or "3BGate", - Barclays/BOE/BIS' debt to Beloy), Watergate 2018!

The essence of the case is the fact of breaching by the Barclays/BOE/BIS the fundamental rule (law) of the banking, - money deposited by their customers must be returned. The Barclays PLC was the first in the chain of facts of intentional substituting by all these banks that main rule with insignificant minor rules (that are written by these banks themselves, and must be updated by the banks if they obvioisly do not work, as it is in this case). Despite it appeared ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for S. Beloy to obey the Barclays' rules fully (which, by the way, he never signed explicitely with his signiture) WITHOUT BREAKING THE LAW OF HIS COUNTRY unless the Barclays makes an exception and correct  their internal ruled a little bit, the Barclays officially insisted on his breaking the law for years!

Obviosly, some really exceptional decisions for this really exceptional case can be taken at high levels only. However, CEOs of Barclays/BOE/BIS intentionally surrounded themselves with unbreakable information wall for preventing S. Beloy to speak with them about this case directly, with hiding themselves behind their own clerks at the low levels, who by definition are not top-level decision makers, - thus allowing themselves to escape formally any personal responsibilty, inclucing criminal one, with possible saying in any future court "We simply did not know anything!".
However, in this particular case the latter statement  is LIE! S. Beloy spent years of nearly full-time job of contacting his bank, and today we have all documental proof for the facts of intentional avoiding by all Barclays/BOE/BIS' CEOs to do what they were hired to do for with their exceptionally high salaries and bonuses,
including Barclays' official letter (authorized and signed at the highest Barclays level) that contains unprecedented for any bank statement of refusing to speak with its customer about paying to him its debts, facts of abusing anti-sp*m legislation with intentional marking his and our emails about the debt as sp*m throughout related global IT systems, and in particular, the fact of blacklisting our recent email address by The Bank Of England!

And that is just top of iceberg for all related crimes of Barclays/BOE/BIS in Beloy's case, we reserve the right to inform the public about by all available means, starting from launching an international media campaign on the Internet on this "Bgate" Banking Scandal Of The Century!

Right now the Barclays/BOE/BIS are attempting to *K_I_L_L* its own customer to not pay their debts, -together with *K_I_L_L_I_N_G*  the whole banking industry (that is, undermining fundamentals of banking operating for all world's banks after Barclays/BOE/BIS' Bgate precedent), Capitalism, and Money in general, all of which are based on a need to return debts.

Current debt of the Barclays bank to S. Beloy includes:
1. His original deposit at his Barclays' savings accounts;
2. His expenses for contacting Barclays during last 18 years;
3. His demand towards paying FULL sum of the Barclays/BOE's debt after considering money at his accounts at The Barclays PLC as a loan to The Barclays Bank, according to his Counter of Barclays' Debt started in 2012, and Counter of BOE's Debt started in 2016, which is already practically *INFINITE*!!!

It is remarkable that the Barclays Bank rejected Beloy's proposals to settle the whole story for only 1 million GBP, or for 3 million proposed a year later. Instead, the tactic chosen by ALL related banks consists of intentional F_R_A_U_D of avoiding to deal with the need to return debts by pretending that neither the fact of existing these debts, nor existing of S. Beloy is real. In particular, there is a fact of simply NOT RESPONDING to S. Beloy by all related banks, despite all his efforts, including ignoring their own official channels created for communication with public.

In particular, S. Beloy contacted Barclays/BOE/BIS through email, registered letters, personal visits (excepting locations in the UK, where it appeared impossible for him to obtain visa, partly because of the  Barclays). The banks simply said nothing in respinse. NOTHING!!! As if he never contacted them!

There appeared several exception, however, which only confirm the main approach of complete not responding, e.g.:
(a) in 2015 it took for Barclays PLC almost a HALF OF YEAR just to confirm existence of Beloy's banking accounts (and that's after previous several statements of the bank it does not see his name at Barclays' records at all, which yet another evidence of at least bad quality of Barclays' services);
(b) in 2016 the Barclays bank sent to S. Beloy its official cheque that was impossible for him to cash. And the Barclays knew it was impossible long before and after  the sending. However, up to now it has made NOTHING for correcting its mistake, thus giving yet another evidence for the fact of its STEALING that money!

We have all reasons to believe that the most recent case of the unprecedented brutal not responding happened just a week ago, when S. Beloy visited the Barclays Switzerland Bank at address Chemin de Grange-Canal 18-20, in Geneva: After spending several weeks in extremely expensive, - absolutely impossible for most citizen in his country!, - Switzerland, waiting for any(!) response from the Barclays Bank (Swiss) SA, in particular, after his most recent visit to that bank twelve days yearly (with appeal to act urgently within 3 days),  he went there to say that enough is enough!
He made everything that was possible to do for anyone  in his situation, including visiting foreign branches of the Barclays around the world, from Europe to Middle East, for his own expence, the peak of which appeared in Switzerland, where he SPENT FOR THIS ALL HIS MONEY!!!

Thus, on July 16, S. Beloy went to the Barclays bank to say he simply has no place to go before he receives at least a part of his Barclays' debt (see more at

The most important thing we can add is that by that moment S. Beloy had no money for food, water, let alone further staying in Switzetland in hotels. He had no money for any air ticket to back to home out of Schengen zone, staying in which was going to exceed allowed for his passport 90 days, and Barclays Bank knew about that (yet another fact of how Barclays bank makes criminals from its customers despite all their resistance).

And move without any money where?!!
To the best our knowledge,
Because of the Barclays, S. Beloy currently has no permanent place of living in any country of the world!!!
Barclays forced him to sell his only place of living, - a 4-bed apartment in the center of capital of his country, - to pay the debts created by Barclays!!!

Because of the Barclays, S. Beloy appeared with

In result, by July 16, 2018, he was unable to both staying in Switzerland (especially without any right for work), and moving out of Schengen zone, where Barclays' CEOs effectively put him beyond the law!


We have not heard from him after that!
But do hope he managed to survive.
What about Barclays' CEOs?!!

Do Barclays CEOs know what happened at that day?
Do they sleep well since July 16?
Do they have food, water, apartment,
and money for enjoying the life after

We even do not mention all the facts of breaking by the CEOs of Rothschild's Barclays/BOE/BIS all possible rules (including their own rules) and laws (including Sea Law, aka Admiralty Law, or The Law Of Money).


(In addition, we intend to speak about evidence we have for the facts of previous attempts of Barclays of *killing*
S. Beloy DIRECTLY! But these facts require further investigation before being presented to police).

Once again, we hope for Beloy's MIRACLE
of managing to remain ALIVE UP TO NOW!
Because friends call him MAGICIAN!!!

Meanwhile, we keep demanding from the Barclays/BOE/BIS what we already told them in our previous messages (see below).

The Bgate (3BGate) scandal has became a reality!


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