Open Letter to Rockefellers of August 13

Rothschilds destroys Rockefeller's future!

It's like planting a super powerful bomb in their own yard with a threat to blow up themselves, Rockefellers, and ... the whole world!

When John Davidson Rockefeller, - the richest person to ever live, not just in America, but in the history of the world!, - was 12, he loaned his first $50 to a local farmer at 7% interest: "It was around this time that Rockefeller learned the power of interest. The impression was gaining ground with me that it was a good thing to let the money be my servant and not make myself a slave to the money, he said of this time ...
To start the business, Rockefeller ... borrowed money from Devil Bill, and got a bank loan to pool together $4,000. ....
Even as a wealthy man, Rockefeller was known to go to extreme measures to pay back pennies that he owed"


 Rockefeller's "Standard Oil" headquarter in New York

"To afford the bid, which cost well over a million dollars in today's terms, Rockefeller borrowed heavily from banks, putting himself deep into debt. During this time, he wrote that he could barely sleep at night because of the anxiety that he might fail. All the fortune that I have made has not served to compensate me for the anxiety of that period, he said".

See details

We don't know about real plans of financial elite about Money of the future, but would like to stress one its possible feature:
Remember how John Davidson Rockefeller and the railroads "made deals through handshakes, not written contracts, as they knew if their deals were discovered they'd be brought down".

Beloy's BMoney incorporates very similar idea!
It is based on the TRUST of people to ORAL WORD:

In contrast, the #Bgate ("Banking Watergate 2018") case started from Rothschilds' Barclays Bank refusal to return money to its customer S. Beloy from his savings accounts during unprecedented 18 YEARS! During those years the Barclays' staff (evidently under auspices of CEos) INTENTIONALLY created the whole chain of artificial (that is, FRAUDELENT in its core) formal excuses for not paying their debt:

The list of the Barclays' bad service problems included a failure of the Barclays to identify the customer properly despite sending by him all required documents it was possible to send (ultimately revoked on 16th year as ABSURD, let alone easily accomplishible at any time by alternative methods the Barclays could, but never used), refusal of S. Beloy to break the Law of his country (especially when he officially stated to the bank that he NEVER in his LIFE broke any law), destroying his official home address since 2017 because of the Barclays, and ultimately, - attempts to K*LL(!!!) the customer to not pay their debts at at all, which is IN PROGRESS RIGHT NOW!!!

The typical suggestion that the court only should  resulve these issues evidently does not work in this particular case!!! Moreover, it sounds isbitski mocking and is a part of clearly FRAUDELENT approaches of the Barclays bank to its responsibility for returning customers' funds.

First of all, who said that that is the only solution?
There are certain circumstances (and we will discuss them in the public later) under which the Barclays/BOE will prefer to pay the debts outside any court. And that will be quite legitimate event!

Then, start from such small details as the cost of hiring good lawyers, absense of any opportunity for S. Beloy to obtain any British visa (mostly because of the Barclays) with corredponding loosing the case by default due to not appearing in the court, etc.
Moving smoothly to bigger obstacles about existence of which the Barclays is fully aware, but artificially overcomplicate them to make things worse than they really are, thus fraudelently playing against their own customers.
While even in general, situation is SIMPLE:
A bank does not return money to a client on his demand during last 18 YEARS. What kind of new information the court is ever able to reveal, which is not known to the parties already? That there is no debt? But the debt exists! That the bank paid it? But it didn't: The Barvlays bank cannot present any documental evidence for the payment (excepting sending on the 16th year of this story a Barclays' check to the customer, which the knew for sure is impossible for him to cash anywhere in the world excepting the UK).

But the most important arguments against resolving the #Bgate case in the courtroom are beyond conventional thinking. First of all this is a SUM of the Debt! The main feature of the #Bgate (and Beloy's own *BMoney* based on that debt) is that the Barclays/BOE debt behind it is *UNLIMITED*!!!
In result, first time in our history we have an exceptional fact of existing an UNLIMITED debt created by CEOs of the biggest banks.
As you know, both the Barclays PLC and The Bank Of England are so called SYSTEM banks, which are *IMPOSSIBLE* TO BANKRUPT!!!
Now imagine a Judge, - a part of the system by definition, - who woud dare to officially approve the Crash of the Global Financial System and its Elite, End of the NWO, and Wealthy Future for Rockefellers and Rothschilds families!!!

Our point is:
We have no doubts the banks have all reasons to loose this case. But ...
It is IMPOSSIBLE for S. Beloy to win the court against any system bank, -- NO MATTER WHETHER THE LAW IS ON HIS SIDE OR NOT!!!
And the Barclays' CEOs know it is impossible no matter what! So, why the keep insisting on that? Precisely because it is impossible! If this is not a lawyers' fraud, what it is then?

Anywsy, the banks are able to manipulate such details as an artificial increasing complexity of this case for DELAYING A FINAL DECISION FOR YEARS!

The fully documented fact is,
the Rothschilds' Barclays/BOE banks INTENTIONALLY, with a help of their professional lawyers, OPENLY AVOIDED PAYING THEIR DEBTS during last 18 YEARS, WITHOUT ANY INTENTION TO PAY IT EVER (which is a STEALING under any definition), thus evidently ABUSING the LAW, and UNDERMINING TRUST TO ALL BANKS IN THIS SYSTEM, with COMPROMISING THEIR OWNERS ALONG THE WAY!
And considering the Debt is really UNLIMITED, and belongs to the biggest world's banks, that SCALE allows applying its consequences to the global banking system of the world! In particular, we can speak about

So, the #Bgate is EXCEPTIONAL case!
And it requires EXCEPTIONAL solutions!
Implemented EXCEPTIONALLY FAST!!!!!!

A COUNTDOWN FOR THE END OF YOUR WEALTHY FUTURE HAS STARTED! And your possibilities are melting with every second!!!

It's in your interests to arrange any kind of Settlement with S. Beloy


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