The Hero Of Our Time

Let's make it clear,
Cергий (Sergiy Beloy)  is not a new Christ. He doesn't say he is. And he never claimed that! However, there are extremely rare coincidences in his life, quantity of which turns them into exceptionally unusual quality for this story.

Look, the fact is, there is a Person,
Christian, who was born on Christmas, who miraculously healed himself from Mosis' defect of speech, - which modern doctors say is impossible to heal in full, - to have an opportunity  because of that to obtain an exceptional education in several countries (including the UK and USA) to communicate with people in several languages and become a Leader some day; a person who all his life honestly tries to follow at least the main 10 God's Commandments (do not lie, do not steal, etc), who doesn't smoke, drink, and desperately tries never break the law, starts a Global Media Campaign (#Bgate) to prove the Justice exists,  and actually SAVE THE WORLD from consequences of triggering next financial crisis that is going to be the LAST ONE!

And the fact is, there are exceptionally influential and powerful people on the top of the global financial system, who attempt to "crucify" that person for that!
Their not acting towards saving him from the deadly trap created under their silent support, is a part of that crime.

Obviously, Sergiy Beloy is not a God!
But considering the God is a main Architect for everything in this world, for certain reasons he placed Sergiy in somewhat similar extreme situation that he did for the Christ!

And as at the time of Christ, people don't mind if One of them is going to be killed for saving their lives. Most of them today simply don't care!

But while Christ died on the cross to pay the debts of our sins, for whose sins CEOs of the Barclays bank  attempt to kill Mr Beloy today?

It's true, the Christ paid the debt he did not make. So did S. Beloy (the process is not completed, but he already sold his only place of living to pay a debt of the Barclays bank, lost ALL HIS MONEY, and now because of that is doomed to pay the rest of the debt with his own LIFE). With a significant difference, however:

The Christ paid OUR debts, the debts of the whole world.He did it voluntary. And he was God!

In contrast, S. Beloy was forced to pay the debt of the Barclays Bank. And now he is forced to DIE for sins of the Barclays' CEOs. He did everything that was possible to do in this situation, but his own bank left him no choice.

There is no cross (modern forms of crucifying can be implemented without any cross), but that does not make suffering because of the dying less painful ...
On the other side, at the time of Christ there was no cross too (in the sense we view it today; to the best our knowledge, crucifying at those days was implementing on a construction similar to the letter "T"). But that is not a main point.

Jesus Christ Superstar
 "I Only Want To Say ..."
(Not real Ian Gillan, but  emotional
impact of the performance is great).

Unlike the Christ, Beloy is not a God, who was able to stop his own death on the cross, if he wanted to  (otherwise, he wouldn't be a God). Today his bank is just KILLING HIM SOFTLY AND SLOWLY!

Together with financial Future of MILLIONS of people (actually, the whole world). Whose lives S. Beloy can save. But whose current indifference kills him as well!


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