Our recent correspondence with the highest British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) during all September, to which it has not responded up to now:

Date: September 24, 2018
Subject: RE. Re. Re. FCA Query - 205510706 [ ref:_00Db0K8yP._5000X1YIMUW:ref ]

Financial laws aim to regulate the question who from two sides will become richer. Not who will *DIE*!!!
Under silent authorization of the FCA, the Barclays/BOE have crossed the red line that makes that difference a long time ago. S. Beloy demands his money just to stay ALIVE, rather then to become super rich, - and that changes the whole case! That is not his fault these two reasons in his situation simply merged together into one #Bgate case.

For our side,
This is not an attempt to fight with a system:
The system needs to fight with those bank(s)
that arrogantly breaks its fundamental rules
and threatens EXISTENCE OF THE SYSTEM!!!

And if CEOs of FCA, - an official regulator and
integral part of the system, -  do not realize
that, the system is going to DIE!
The Barclays bank IS KILLING it!
With BOE/FCA as accomplice!!!

13 days ago we explicitely asked the FCA to stop that killing  (after recieving its promise to respond to us within 5 working days). S. Beloy asked that many times all related parties for YEARS! However, the FCA's CEOs intentionally avoid any action, defenitely hoping that by the time any serious decision is made he will die of hunger! And when LIFE of S. Beloy hangs in the balance, that delay also means their sin of attempting to kill him.
Under current cirumstances it IS a REAL KILLING! And FCA is a part of the killing!

We are sorry if the Barclays/BOE's CEOs and professional lawyers(!) do not understand this! And considering amount of infomation delivered to related parties during last years, we have all reasons to state they DO UNDERSTAND this! But despite all facts of existing their full awareness about this case, unetically, - and FRAUDULENTLY!, - pretend they do not!

And if any or all related CEOs, - including the ones in the FCA, - are either not wise or educated enough for suiting their high level position, or really so childishly short-sighted, they MUST GO!!!

Today, however, the CEOs still have a choice:
Either to SETTLE the debt with S. Beloy IMMEDIATELY, or accept the biggest world's banks openly break main banking principle and DESTROY banking industry!
Right now they support the later choice, thus endangering their partners and the whole world to be collapsed!
Anyway, banks will loose most of its capital (read most of its power). Actually, that event has happened de-facto,- but Barclays/BOE are evidently not in a hurry to correct it even for protecting their own Present and Future! "Rulers of the Rome in its final phase"!

Banks may not demand from people repaying their banking debts and mortgages anymore!!!

Date: September 18, 2018
+++ Re. To CEOs of the FCA: Act or GO!!! -- Re. FCA Query - 205510706 [ ref:_00Db0K8yP._5000X1YIMUW:ref ]

During last 100 hours CEOs of the FCA have not responded to our letter of September 14 (see attachment below). Thus they failed to realize (a) the highest PRIORITY of our case (what can have a higher priority than a really URGENT need to stop the Barclays Bank from IRREVERSABLE DESTROYING BANKING INDUSTRY OF THE WHOLE WORLD, FCA IS INTEGRAL PART OF WHICH?), and (b) different perception of TIME for the customer whom its own bank under authorization of the FCA for years keeps attempting to K*LL EVERY SECOND without any break at the end of  standard working hours and weekends related CEOs for sure spent very well. And it seems they will not understand this case is not a standard situation until the time for them becomes a FINAL COUNTDOWN FOR THE END OF LIFE, similar to which they created for S. Beloy.

Let us to remind the CEOs what kind of Barclays' crimes was reported to FCA years ago, about which it arrogantly refused even to speak.

In the beginning of 2000 the Barclays bank suddenly violated its obligations to its client: When S. Beloy asked the Barclays' support team why their international Visa card service did not always work as advertized (namely, why it sometimes failed in the middle of transaction), instead of a proper responding, let alone helping, the Barclays bank had STOPPED its service completely! In particular, the Barclays bank CANCELLED his visa card , -  long before its expiration!, - and access to its globally available Internet services, thus preventing him to check his balance/status and simply communicate with its support team effectively.
In fact, at that point the Barclays' CEOs intentionally and UNILATERALLY BROKE their official banking Agreement with S. Beloy, - WITHOUT ANY INFORMING HIM ABOUT THAT, let alone sending an OFFICIAL (ADVANCE) NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE LAW! - thus depriving themselves of any legal opportunity to demand from him fulfilling any Barclays' regulation in the future.

Nevertheless, the legal(!) department of the Barclays bank during following 16 YEARS officially demanded from S. Beloy to obey its own rules, - despite being fully aware those rules force him to BREAK THE LAW of his home country! So, a legal department of the bank with 325+ years of banking experience openly FORCED ITS CLIENT TO BECOME A CRIMINAL! And when he refused, officially stating to them that he NEVER In His LIFE Broke The Law, the bank actually ROBBED him because of that, and ultimately left ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY!

Once again, professional lawyers hired by the Barclays bank, on its order and behalf, for decades were ABUSING the law: At least in one case they were forcing their customers to break the laws for the intentionally falcified need to comply with their own internal rules that they knew were unapplicable for such cases.

We have all reasons to believe those rules were a direct responsibility of the Barclays' CEOs, who created them, and later could and should update them when they apparently did not work.
We are using the word "believe" here because the Barclays CEOs have failed to provide S. Beloy with a full TEXT of those rules despite his numerous requests about that! And that is yet another UNPRECEDENTED fact of abusing the law by professional lawyers of the Barclays bank! How a customer could possibly be required to obey the bank's rules, for existence of which he never was informed by the bank properly, let alone in advance, e.g., during conclusion of initial Agreement?

Anyway, the fact is: S. Beloy has NEVER AGREEDED  EXPLICITELY AND IN WRITTEN, WITH HIS SIGNITURE, to do what the Barclays bank demanded from him to do for obtaining his money back!!! And for 18 years the Barclay's lawyers failed to present to him evidence of his written consent for such consequent destroying his life by the Barclays bank in financial and, ultimately, phisical sense!

Corresponding CEOs have created a precedent of an intentional bank's refusal to pay its debt! Instead of relatively small efforts towards helping its client to overcome consequences of dealing with their own rules that appeared unapplicable in his particular case (yet easily could and should be resolved at the bank's side), during following 16 years they additionally created for themselves artificial (FRAUDULENT in its essense) formal reasons for avoiding paying their debt completely!

At least their decision to simply NOT RESPOND to main subject of Beloy's letters to the Barclays bank (a need to pay their debt), which after 16 years of his questioning that policy was CONFIRMED IN WRITTEN in their official letter(s), triggered a creation of his personal debt, - the first ever financial debt in his LIFE!
We must stress the fact that even an original sum at his Barclays' accounts would be more than enough for paying all his debts then. That debt would never exist without a need of S. Beloy to deal with the Barclays bank. So, it was actually Debt Of The Barclays bank!

We also must stress the fact that Beloy's beliefs about responsiblity for paying debts then appeared much stronger than those of the banking institutions with more than three hundred years of banking practice:

He SOLD HIS ONLY PLACE OF LIVING TO PAY HIS (Barclays') DEBT! It was a nice 4-bed apartment in the center of capital of his country, where he lived previous 35+ years. And S. Beloy was forced to sell it urgently for a fraction of its real price, - to prevent its confiscation by the state for the debt.
In addition, the refusal of the Barclays bank to provide him access to his own Life Savings when he needed it most, also triggered his personal bankruptcy in the country with a severe financial crisis and war.

In result, he appeared with

That is, the Barclays bank has artificially created for S. Beloy a situation, in which today it may claim it cannot (according to its current rules endorsed by the Bank Of England and FCA) to send to him any documents, let alone cheques, for paying its debt. In other words, the Barclays bank HAS DESTROYED ALL POSSIBILITIES FOR ITS CUSTOMER TO EVER OBTAIN HIS MONEY!

Having finally accepted after 16 years(!) their  responsibility for at least that initial (smallest) debt of the Barclays Bank, its CEOs (*), however, intentionally prevented implementation of repaying even that smallest amount towards their future Settlement, which they officially promised to pay immediately:

Despite all Beloy's numerous warnings before and after that event, among three main ways for sending money (a cheque, a banking transfer to customer's banking account, and any public service for international money transfers, e.g. WesternUnion), the Barclays bank intentionally chosen exclusively the one that it knew for sure was IMPOSSIBLE for S. Beloy to use, - cheque!
The problem with that cheque is it can be used in the UK only, where S. Beloy cannot obtain visa to since 2000. Banks in his native country (and seems in most world's countries) completely stopped processing cheques at least since beginning 2016. And for cashing cheques in Europe or anywhere in the world corresponding banks require a proper citizenship. So, it appeared for him COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!

And all above-mentioned means the FACT of the Barclays' first refusal to pay its debt!

In turn, that first debt ultimately created all other debts of the Barclays bank and The Bank Of England we discussed in details since 2016.

* We are saying "CEOs" here, because it's clear from the context of previous Barclays' correspondence with S. Beloy on the matter. And further refusal of the Barclays' staff, - despite Beloy's numerous requests about that, - to clarify an exact NAME and title of the person who signed that official letter of their bank mailed to Beloy's home address with the cheque that has been impossible for him to cash, means the decision about not paying the debt was authorized at the top level.
There are many other evidences of direct participation of the Barclays' CEOs in Beloy's story, despite they have used all their power for hiding such evidence (we describe details of these technologies in our online publications), starting from Ms Brooks, then official representative of the Barclays' legal department, who stated to S. Beloy in 2015 that all her actions for communicating with him about his particular case were  directly authorized by the Barclays' CEOs. In particular, she stated in written that the Barclays' CEO(s) were aware of his story, and she was speaking with S. Beloy at their specific request and on their behalf!!!
She also asked S. Beloy to consider her because of that the only and exclusive point for his further communication with the Barclays bank on his case.
(However, she later failed to respond even to a single his question on the matter, let alone to satisfy his numerous requests for revealing the name(s) of the CEO(s) she claimed were staying behind her in Beloy's case. Only a half of year later he accidentally found out from other employees of the Barclays that Ms Brooks was promoted to a higher, more responsible and better paid position within the Barclays, and that he shouldn't expect from her any reply at all because of that).

Such pattern of the corporate culture, - complete forgetting about unfinished tasks and betraying interests of the bank together with its reputation whenever a formal excuse for that arises, - was evidently set by the former President of the Barclays Bank Bob Diamond, to whom S. Beloy addressed all his correspondence in 2012. Mr Diamond never responded to the customer whose small, but critically important Life Savings his bank frozen without good reason, despite it was increadibly easy way for preventing creation of what currently became the INFINITE debt of the Barclays PLC and Bank Of England! And today Bob Diamond is doing pretty well with his own bank he created after leaving the Barclays with over 100M GBP due to charges of predecessors of the FCA for the Barclays' LIBOR scandal.
Mr Jenkins, who became the top CEO of the Barclays Bank after Bob Diamond was fired, became famous for his attempts to improve public image of the Barclays with introducing updated rules for a better ETHITICAL conduct for his employess, and it seems was so busy with the process that found no time for responding to S. Beloy, let alone making real steps for resolving his urgent problem during all the years he was in power.
Jes Staley, current Barclays' CEO, who was first informed about Beloy's case long before taking his post, "successfully" continues supporting main pattern of the behaviour practiced by his predecessors both in the Barclays and FCA.


Date: September 14, 2018
To CEOs of the FCA: Act or GO!!! -- Re. FCA Query - 205510706 [ ref:_00Db0K8yP._5000X1YIMUW:ref ]

We are resending our response to FCA of September 11 (BELOW) as after years of not responding it evidently continues its unprecedented practice of delaying any actions towards what can be currently considered The Banking Watergate Of The Century (#Bgate), - End Of Banks!!!

Date: September 11, 2018
To: Nikita Patel, FCA
Re. FCA Query - 205510706 [ ref:_00Db0K8yP._5000X1YIMUW:ref ]

Dear Nikita,
The emails you mentioned are just the most recent ones in the LONG CHAIN of our emails to the FCA that does NOT RESPOND to essense of them for years! That's why we started sending them out to other people and publishing at our websites. Thus the reason why it ultimately appeared at the Internet, - that you informed us today is excluded from your speculations at all,  - is a clear avoidence of the FCA to commit its main missions in our case!
The fact that after all those YEARS the CEOs of FCA assigned you, Associate at Contact Centre with the lowest level of decision making, for dealing with this case INSTEAD of doing that personally, means they have either thrown all our previous efforts for contacting FCA to a dustbin, or want to obtain from us an unclear or incomplete response that can be used by them for closing the request formally.
That attitude of the CEOs contradicts to what the FCA states officially. Starting from "We encourage consumers to report to us when they see potential harm or bad conduct" to "one of our objectives is to ensure an appropriate degree of protection for all consumers"  (

The FCA, "independent public body funded(!!!) entirely by the firms we regulate" after years of our complaining about one of these firms (Barclays Bank), decided to puzzle us with asking what EXACTLY it can do with a bank that openly breaks huge number of regulations and laws.
Well, it's the task of FCA to find an appropriate form of action within its rather complicated and tricky rules (that we have all reasons to believe are so complicated and tricky exclusively for avoiding taking any serious actions against its sponsors). But we will try:

Our main goals have always been clear and have not changed during those years:
We want to help S. Beloy to make any fair Settlement with its Barclays Bank URGENTLY!
As simple as that!

But the Barclays' CEOs seems have another goal:

Look, the Barclays PLC does not return customer's money for 18 years. With the only reason for that during at least first 16 years the customer (S. Beloy) refused to break the law of his country. Ultimately, the failure of the Barclays to provide access to his money at the moment he needed it most appeared a direct reason for his need to sell his only place of living (where he lived for decades) for a fraction of its cost to deal with the first ever debt in his life, - in fact, debt of the Barclays!
The Barclays that for years doubted without any reason  a validity of Beloy's home address, thus received an official proof (see corresponding record in Beloy's passport attached to this email) of the fact of its destroying, - directly because of the Barclays!
In result, S. Beloy has no permanent place of living anywhere in the world!!!
Correspondingly, the Barclays Bank created for its customer a situation when after STEALING all his emergency LIFE SAVINGS, it additionally left him with no official address for recieving any correspondence and financial documents from anyone, starting from the Barclays for settling its debts, excepting his email

Under any law, the fact of taking someone's money without a promise to return it within a clearly specified term means STEALING! The Barclays Bank did exactly  that with Beloy's savings accounts!
Moreover, the Barclays Bank OFFICIALLY(!) announced about its refusing to speak with S. Beloy about returning his money! Once again, a bank, - having a debt to its customer!, - refuses to communicate with him about its debt!!! That fact alone is UNPRECEDENTED for banking industry!
No wonder the whole case ultimately appeared UNPRECEDENTED in many senses! The evident attempts of simply not responding practiced by most of its players, - including CEOs of the FCA and its underlying Bank Of England, - created unprecedented opportunity for S. Beloy to turn his Barclays' s debt into UNPRECEDENTED INFINITY!
We are not in a position to reveal all related details today. But we can mention that
Avoidence to carry out main activities for which FCA was created ("authorising and supervising firms, taking enforcement action, influencing market design, ...") that ultimately transformed the Barclays' ROBBERY of a small deposit of its client into a much bigger Global event of DESTROYING BANKING INDUSTRY, CAPITALISM, AND MONEY IN GENERAL, happened because YOU (FCA) DID NOT MIND THE Barclays PLC with related banks were committing that crime!

How FCA would keep its "influencing market design" when the Barclays CRASHES financial markets to a zero ground? Our case clearly shows it destroys Debt! Despite Debt is a key foundation for any today's money (that's why economists call it "Debt Money"). If the Debt disappears, the Money will disappear as well!
And where will be FCA with all its businesses then?

Once again, Beloy's case is not about yet another example of the Barclays' low quality banking service anymore. Because of your not acting (let alone responding) it has evolved into Global End Of Banking Industry! Which may be the End Of Business Future for All Your Clients!

The FCA's CEOs evidently pretend they do not understand this. That's why they chosen you as "the most appropriate department to respond". To have a formal reason to say later our case simply stuck at the lowest and the least experienced/educated/paid... level, while they personally are not responsible for that at all!

So the first thing YOU should do is to officially inform your CEOs about Beloy's story. And we expect your confirmation you did that.

Secondly, we expect the FCA will officially inform at least CEOs of the Barclays and The Bank Of England.
And we expect its confirmation it did that.

Thirdly, S. Beloy and we demand to be treated with RESPECT: Please ask your CEOs to respond to him/us PERSONALLY!

Today we can state safely the FCA DID NOTHING ABOUT OUR CASE DURING MANY YEARS! Despite it was able to do a lot:
"Pillar 1 - proactive supervision for the biggest firms".
Although both The Barclays PLC and The Bank Of England (BOE) are among the biggest firms, our case revealed no intention of the FCA to supervise them no matter what, even after years of our reporting.

"Fixed portfolio firms have a named supervisor".
We want to know name of supervisers for the Barclays Bank and Bank Of England.

"We make risk-based judgements about whether the firm s business model and how it is run results in fair treatment for consumers ..."
What kind of FAIR treatment the Barclays practices if after stealing customer's money it attempts to K*LL him?!!

"Our priority in supervising firms is to ensure consumers are at the centre of a firm s business." (
Well, the Barclays' customer S. Beloy evidently appeared at the epicentre of businesses of related banks: They are currently attempting to
K*LL him!!!
Under SILENT authorization of FCA!

We are strongly against evident attempts of the FCA to  diminish the guilt of the Barclays Bank with intentional (fraudulent) distorting meaning of our word "K*LLING":
"I d urge you to report any criminal activity such as this to the police immediately if you re concerned about somebody experiencing harm".
Well, S. Beloy does experience harm! And both the Barclays Bank and FCA are aware about that: He is practically DYING of hunger without any legal means for existence, let alone any medical support, on the streets at the minute you are reading this email!!!
In any dictionary a main meaning for the k*lling is "to cause the death" ( And that's exactly what The Barclays Bank with your (FCA) silent authorization are attempting to do about S. Beloy right now! As we explained, k*lling has different forms, each of which ultimately causes THE SAME RESULT!!!
So, why neither you nor the Barclays Bank call police?
Because police does not deal with financial k*lling, - and you know that as well. So, why you advise it to us? Because you know it's impossible?
The Barclays Bank seems tried all forms of k*lling its client (it's just a miracle he is still alive). Yet today it childishly pretends there is only one way of k*lling, just like you. That's rather cold and deceptive (should we say "fraudulent"?).
"We can identify and act early when enforcement action is necessary"
In our case you defenitely didn't!!!

"We seek to tackle risks BEFORE they cause harm".
The FCA pretends to be blind about Barclays/BOE's crimes even AFTER years of our contacting.

"We aim to deliver a sustainable supervision programme with a market-based approach, rather than just concentrating on individual firms".
No, if you confuse our mentioning several names of related firms with a formal reason to skip processing of our letters at all!
"We supervise how firms work and can STOP those that don t meet our standards from carrying out the activities we regulate. Where we find that firms are not following our rules, we intervene. This may mean imposing penalties, stopping them trading ..."

So, unless FCA's CEOs find a way for implementing a really URGENT SETTLEMENT between S. Beloy and any involved parties, they should STOP Barclays' license, FIRE, and FINE Barclays' CEOs,
or ... GO!!!

That is what we will demand FCA to do then.
And that's exactly what FCA is authorized for.
"We can take action such as:
- withdrawing a firm's authorisation
- prohibiting individuals from carrying on regulated activities
- suspending firms and individuals from undertaking regulated activities
- issuing fines against firms and individuals who breach our rules or commit market abuse".

International Team  (EU subdivision)
for supporting S. Beloy and his
BMoney (Barclays/BOE Debt to Beloy)
on September 11, 2018

We reserve the right to publish this email at the Internet, if progress of this case is worsened or delayed, which under current circumstances is almost the same.


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