Alexandre De Rothschilds cannot find couple hundred Euro to pay his Debt? Message to Sergiy Beloy of March 13 from SunPark company: Translation from Ukrainian: "12.03 you had the last paid day for renting your mini-warehouse. On renewal of the contract you didn't appear. No payment from you neither. So the question is: What do you plan to do next?" Nice question FOR ROTHSCHILDS! They have been aware about " ROTHSCHILDS' KILLINGS ", " Chronology of ROTHSCHILDS' KILLING ", " Rothschilds' Top Secret Of Becoming Rich KILLS ROTHSCHILDS ", and of course, in the famous Beloy's Life Concept " REVERSED LIFE "!!! Because of your Barclays' CEOs Sergiy is unable to pay a montbly 150 Euro fee to the SunPark company (he payd it by Miracle all previous years). Today the company increases its prices! And Sergiy is unable to renew the contract because Barclays forced him to go for his ...
See beginning in: Crime Of Century -3 , 2 , 1 By TOMORROW, July 12, ALL REMAINING PROPERTY Of Sergiy Beloy, BARCLAYS CEOs COULDN'T DESTROY DURING THEIR INITIAL DESTROYING HIS PLACE OF LIVING IN 2017, IS SET TO BE DESTROYED!!! This time BY HANDS OF THE STORAGE COMPANY, TO WHICH THE CEOs NEVER PAID A PENNY OF THEIR DEBT, SIMPLY SHIFTING THE BURDEN of paying monthly fee TO Sergiy Beloy during almost two years! Here is what the company said to Mr Beloy yesterday: TRANSLATION: They cannot wait delay of payments anymore. If the debt (of $200) is not paid by the end of the week (tomorrow) they will terminate contract of saving Beloy's stuff! In other words, as early as TOMORROW Beloy's PROPERTY may be THROWN AWAY TO THE STREET IN A DISTANT COUNTRY! UNLESS Rothschilds CEOs PAY THEIR DEBT! BUT THEY WILL NOT! They have protected their formal not-responsibility for their crimes against Beloy with their ...
URGENT! Re.: Rothschilds did nothing to stop the killing of Sergiy Beloy their Barclays' CEOs triggered three years ago. In addition, in just 3 days they will traditionally(!) try to kill him by destroying his last property he managed to save by real Miracle, - by paying for its storing every(!) month despite being because of Rothschilds' Barclays bank with no money at all. The DEADLINE for this month' payment is in 3 days, and Rothchilds watch it SADISTICALLY just like Barclays' CEOs do it last two years! Meanwhile, Rothschild/Barclays 3 Days Countdown is on its way too: It's obvious we never forget about Barclays' debt. NEVER! Guess what we will do NEXT Hint for Rothschilds/Rockefellers' banking syst...
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