One MONTH Of Rothschilds' Direct Barclays Killing!
Today is exactly ONE MONTH since Sergiy Beloy wrote his last blog post " Last Day Of My Life?!! " See more in our blog . According to our Rothschilds' Barclays Bank insiders, its CEOs keep lying to their employees, shareholders, business partners, regulator, and even members of their families, about details of their ROBBERY AND ATTEMPTS OF KILLING THEIR CUSTOMER Sergiy Beloy, which they CONSTANTLY CONTINUE FOR MANY MONTHS UP TO NOW! The CEOs intentionally distort information about his case, falsly representing him as a CRAZY person (despite the only "craziness" of his actions is demanding his own money back)! In addition to not returning money to the customer during unprecedented 19 years, the Rothscnilds' Barclays and Bank of England CEOs present him in ambarrassing terms as a guy who visits Barclays' branches around the world with absoletely "CRAZY" demands about INFINITE Debt (assumably impossible by definiti...