#Bgate. Third impossible week between LIFE AND DEATH?!!
The biggest banks are *KILLING*, - RIGHT NOW!!! - their biggest creditor to not pay their debts! Under silent approval of the press and Rothschilds, whom they belonýg to. Thus openly declaring the END OF BANKING , and ... Money! In particular, CEOs of the second biggest British bank Barclays PLC (with all its branches worldwide), with underlying Bank Of England, and Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, who failed to return to S. Beloy money from his Barclays' accounts during unprecedented for banks period of 18 YEARS, evidently want to see him DEAD! For his refusal to break the Law, as well as for his inventing (after first twelve years of patient waiting for free for just returning his initial deposits) an original way for converting the Barclays' debt to him from practically nothing to UNPRECEDENTED * INFINITY *!!! There are many forms of killling, including financial one. The Barclays/BOE/BIS seems tried them all. What's the difference between...