
Сообщения за июль, 2018

#Bgate. Third impossible week between LIFE AND DEATH?!!

The biggest banks are *KILLING*, - RIGHT NOW!!! - their biggest creditor to not pay their debts!  Under silent approval of the press and Rothschilds, whom they belonýg to. Thus openly declaring the END OF BANKING , and ... Money! In particular, CEOs of the second biggest British bank Barclays PLC (with all its branches worldwide), with underlying Bank Of England, and Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, who failed to return to S. Beloy money from his Barclays' accounts during unprecedented for banks period of 18 YEARS, evidently want to see him DEAD! For his refusal to break the Law, as well as for his inventing (after first twelve years of patient waiting for free for just returning his initial deposits) an original way for converting the Barclays' debt to him from practically nothing to UNPRECEDENTED * INFINITY *!!! There are many forms of killling, including financial one. The Barclays/BOE/BIS seems tried them all. What's the difference between...

Open Letter To Rothschilds of July 30

Your Barclays CEOs must stop "playing a fool": This is not a case of evidently and unprecedently bad quality of their banking service. This is the case of open  DENYING NECESSITY TO PAY DEBT! And by whom? By second biggest British bank with over 325 years of history, which is a "system"  bank with a special status in corporate world, older than main British Central Bank, which has been a model for all banks around the world since sixteen century, - the famous  Bank Of England (BOE) - that also supports the denial! Together with evident approval of The Bank For International Settlements, "Central Bank Of All World's Central Banks". And ultimately, without any objection from Rothschild family! (During last five years S. Beloy did his best to contact and inform properly ALL above-mentioned structures). It is needless to remind you that processing debts is a key and the most fundamental type of operations for all banks. Modern money is called "D...

To PRESS Re. #Bgate SENSATION - Banking Watergate 2018 !!!

Biggest international banks are KILLING their biggest creditor at the time you are reading this email. Please  HELP TO STOP THAT  KILLING!!! As emailed to the PRESS and Barclays/BOE on July 27, 2018: To CEOs of The Barclays Bank and Bank Of England WE CHARGE YOU AND YOUR CEOs WITH INTENTIONAL ATTEMPTS OF *KILLING* S. Beloy TOGETHER WITH BANKING INDUSTRY, CAPITALISM, AND MONEY IN GENERAL, WHICH ARE IN PROGRESS UP TO NOW (1) FOR HIS REFUSAL TO BREAK THE LAW ; (2) FOR HIS RESISTANCE to your Barclays' STEALING; (3) FOR HIS DEMAND to your Barclays to RESPECT HIM, their customer, at least because of their unprecedented 18 years' delay for returning his money; (4) FOR LAUNCHING HIS OWN BMoney (Barclays/BOE/BIS debt to Beloy) aka Rothschild's Pnoenix Money; (5) FOR HIDING THEIR OWN MISTAKES RESULTED IN EMBARASSING FOR THEM UNPRECEDENTED FACT OF GROWING OF THEIR (Rothschild's) DEBT FROM PRACTICALLY NOTHING TO *INFINITY* See " Rothschild's Blood ...

Rothschild, Blood Lunar Eclipse, and Bible

"The blood moon prophecy suggests that a blood moon in specific circumstances could be a sign of the end of times" The blood moon prophecy is a set of apocalyptic beliefs surrounding a tetrad, a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses.The prophecy states that a tetrad coinciding on Jewish holidays with six full moons in between and no intervening partial lunar eclipses is a sign of the beginning of the end of times. That concept was promoted by Christian ministers John Hagee and Mark Biltz. The prophecy related to the beginning of end times as describe in the Bible in the Book of Joel, Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes." This phrase is again mentioned by Saint Peter during Pentecost, as recorded in Acts, altho...

Lunar Eclipse, and Bible

See more in our NEXT article "Rothschild, Lunar Eclipse 2018, and Bible" at http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/07/rothschild-lunar-eclipse-and-bible_28.html What meaning of Lunar Eclipses is mentioned in the Bible ? Pastor John Hagee, from the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, classed the Blood Moon as a "signal from God". In his book, he wrote: "God uses the sun, moon and stars to send signals to us on the Earth." American Pastor Paul Begley – he believes that the blood moon, coupled with worldwide natural disasters, is the latest clue that the APOCALYPSE IS NIGH!!! Begley goes on to pinpoint two Bible verses that he believes lend credence to his claims. The first is in Luke 21:25 , in which Jesus said: “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. ...

3BGate - Blood Lunar Eclipse -2

Another requirement of this Lunar Eclipse is that people's thoughts and intentions must be PURE. No negative emotions or thoughts!  No using people for obtaining some personal financial gain or profit. Well, we don't! To the best of our knowledge! Our applying to people can hardly be considered a rush for becoming rich. Being rich means having more than other people have. But in our case S. Beloy HAS *NOTHING*, - NO MONEY AT ALL!!! ZERO!!! $0.000. And our voluntary campaign for asking for him some money IMMEDIATELY is just a matter of his staying ALIVE!!! See more in our NEXT article: http://bgate2018.blogspot.com/2018/07/rothschild-lunar-eclipse-and-bible.html

Bgate - Rothschild's Blood Lunar Eclipse 2018

BOOMERANG of the Universe! In Geneva, Switzerland, Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018, started at 9:04 pm, and lasted for 4 hours, 24 minutes. But what is its real MEANING for events in this world? According to astrology, everything that happens during this particular Lunar Eclipse of July 27 is an event of extreme importance! All decisions that can be made, and all events that can occur, will radically change people's and YOUR life! Because everything is endowed these days* with some mystical power. * - at least 3 days before and 3 days after any Lunar Eclipse; but considering really exceptional features of the current one, influence of the event can be extended for as many months, as the number of hours it lasted. But the most important feature of this particular Eclipse is: Everything in this period people do, - or NOT DO when they can!, - will be returned to them like * BOOMERANG *!!! And their RESPONSIBILITY for that will be extremely strict! And right now t...

Open Letter Of July 25

Open Letter to The Bank of England (BOE), Rothschilds' Bank For International Settlements (BIS)  and The Barclays PLC with all its subsidiaries: The unprecedented case of Barclays' not returning  money to its customer S. Beloy since the year 2000 triggers international interbanking scandal "Bgate" (or "3BGate", - Barclays/BOE/BIS' debt to Beloy), Watergate 2018! The essence of the case is the fact of breaching by the Barclays/BOE/BIS the fundamental rule (law) of the banking, - money deposited by their customers must be returned. The Barclays PLC was the first in the chain of facts of intentional substituting by all these banks that main rule with insignificant minor rules (that are written by these banks themselves, and must be updated by the banks if they obvioisly do not work, as it is in this case). Despite it appeared ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for S. Beloy to obey the Barclays' rules fully (which, by the way, he never signed explicitely with...

VIDEO! Beloy's story

A long time ago S. Beloy created a special video about his life story.  That video was prohibited in all countries!   Today, however, we uploaded it to the   Youtube,   once again: Source:   https://youtu.be/DUS007ZrF0w We kindly ask you for republishing this video - BEFORE IT REMOVED FROM YOUTUBE! - at any place in the Internet for allowing more people to know the truth.

Bgate - Barclays K*LLS alternative "BMoney"

BMoney by S. Beloy is UNIQUE in all senses: 1. BMoney has UNLIMITED collateral from biggest British banks (in particular, Rothschild's Barclays bank, Bank Of England, presumably under control of The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, - Central Bank of all Central Banks), - YES! Their debt to S. Beloy is practically * INFINITE *!!! So is potential power behind BMoney capable for financing practically everything in this world! 2. BMoney is the first ever kind of money based solely on the people's TRUST. Unlike any cryptocurrency, all of which were launched because of deep distrust of its users to each other, with creating related complexities for moving their personal rejection of eternal human values into field of math. The latter, however, is valid within narrow scope only, and uncapable to operate with values that are too big (infinity) or too small (zero). 3. BMoney does use Blockchain principles, however, in original way: All related letters w...

Bgate - Watergate 2018

7 days since S. Beloy , creator of BMoney based on Barclays/BOE's debt to him, DISAPPEARED after going to the Barclays' branch in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss returning his debt in full. Total sum of his debt is counted in BILLIONS US$, but in reality that debt has appeared practically INFINITE, - LITERALLY! (For instance, last year S. Beloy was speaking about his intention for unprecedented donations around the globe with his special project "TRILLION FOR CHARITY", while this year he promised 1000% return after Barclays will pay all his debts, for investing into him personally ). Several days later the Barclays PLC patented its own version of crypto money (see links below). Does it mean S. Beloy do not exist anymore?!!

Why Beloy's case is unique?

Because of unique interflow of unique factors that ultimately melted into sensational #Bgate case! 1. Unprecedented delay of 18 YEARS for returning customer's money from his original banking accounts. 2. Unprecedented decision of the bank (confirmed officially by statements of its CEOs) to stop any communication with its customer, to whom they own money, about returning its debts. 3. Unprecedented decision of a bank's customer to charge his bank for his JOB of contacting it (at least during recent years), in addition to all other debts. 4. Unprecedented SUM of debt of the Barclays to S. Beloy. The Barclay's CEOs have not stopped rising that debt up to the moment, despite the total sum of their debt is already practically INFINITE! 5. Unprecedented attempts of the biggest British banks to *K*I*L*L* its customer and creditor instead of paying its debts.

Bgate (3BGate) goes public

We apply to all Internet community: This is EMERGENCY!!! Help us to STOP *K_I_L_L_I_N_G* of S. Beloy, together with other fundamentals of this world based on a need to pay debts! To prevent fiancial collapse, rules must be equal for all: Debts must be either paid, or not paid, by everyone! Ultimately, standing for justice and eternal values in this particular case can appear EXTREMELY PROFITABLE FOR YOU!

Who is Beloy

Sergiy Beloy is a former customer of the Barclays bank in London, UK, then the biggest ever creditor of that bank (to the degree of considering him a de-facto Owner of the whole Barclays PLC), and now a Creator of his own " BMoney " based on the Barclays' debts to him. See his Blog here: http://bmoney2017.blogspot.com

Twitter about Bgate

"ALERT!!! The biggest creditor of Barclays bank  DISAPPEARED after deciding to visit its Swiss  branch in Geneva to talk about his debt! #Bgate" "7 days since S. Beloy went to the Barclays Switzerland in Geneva to demand repaying his debts. We have not heard from him since that! #Bgate" "This is a call for starting media campaign #Bgate (analog of #Watergate 2018, which tends to be even bigger in terms of SCALE and importance!" Source : https://twitter.com/be30861937