Bgate - Barclays K*LLS alternative "BMoney"

BMoney by S. Beloy is UNIQUE in all senses:

1. BMoney has UNLIMITED collateral from biggest British banks (in particular, Rothschild's Barclays bank, Bank Of England, presumably under control of The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, - Central Bank of all Central Banks), - YES! Their debt to S. Beloy is practically *INFINITE*!!! So is potential power behind BMoney capable for financing practically everything in this world!

2. BMoney is the first ever kind of money based solely on the people's TRUST. Unlike any cryptocurrency, all of which were launched because of deep distrust of its users to each other, with creating related complexities for moving their personal rejection of eternal human values into field of math. The latter, however, is valid within narrow scope only, and uncapable to operate with values that are too big (infinity) or too small (zero).

3. BMoney does use Blockchain principles, however, in original way: All related letters written during years of correspondence between the Barclays and Beloy about this case are compiled into one huge information pool that can be attached to the most recent email, with corresponding updating the whole content of this story and placing that email at the top of that pool.

4. BMoney is absolutely legal, in the sense it cannot break any law, - because it simply does not exist formally! Unlike printed money, or other types of financial papers, BMoney is a completely virtual type of money based on oral promises between involved people. The whole story started from the sin of Barclays' staff of distrusting into words of Beloy. In result, the world obtained the opposite, - completely virtual money based on a pure trust in oral word.

That is why the Barclays seems decided simply to 
*K*LL* S. Beloy, 
attempting to eliminate both 
(a) a need to pay its debts, and
 (b) a direct competitor for circulation 
of its own cryptocurrency!

On July 16, 2018,  S. Beloy went to the main office of the  Barclays Bank Switzerland (Suisse) S.A. to speak about Barclays' debt, at the address Chemin de Grange-Canal 18-20, Geneva, Switzerland, and ... we did not hear from him ever since ...

So, as of today, the Bgate case is an attempt Barclays bank to *k*ll the alternative "BMoney" together with its creator S. Beloy and a need to return him its debts, as well as *k*lling foundation for the world's banking industry, capitalism, and money in general, all of which are based on a need to pay debts!


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