Beloy's CHARITY vs. Rothschilds and Rockefellers' one

Cite: "Two rules that all mega-plutocrats must obey if they want to be remembered in a century’s time. One: ensure your children feel a duty to preserve the family fortune. And, two, paradoxical as it may sound: give as much money as you can to universities, galleries and hospitals".

S. Beloy did not intend to spend all the sum of the debt to himself. Just on the contrary, since 2012 he declared that he was going to spend it mostly for CHARITY! Obviously, with deduction of his initial savings accounts and compensation for the related expenses he had to spent during last 18 years for the "job" of obtaining his money back. Considering the unprecedently huge scale of the full Barclays' debt to him, his personal share would be just a tiny fraction of it, less than 0.0000001% anyway.

Compare that with John D. Rockefeller's  habit of charitable giving, which people call amazingly generous: "We don’t understand the kind of Christianity that he adhered to”, Cox explained. “Let’s put it rather crudely: you earn $10, you give away your first $3!".
That is, up to 30% only!!!

Even considering that "before his death in 1937, Rockefeller gave away nearly half of his fortune", - in other words, 50% - and that "his estate totaled only $26,410,837 when he died, making him the biggest philanthropist ever to live", Beloy's UNLIMITED TrillionForCharity Fund looks more impressive!
"Rockefeller’s fortune peaked in 1912 at almost $900,000,000".

The sum of the Barclays/BOE's debt to S. Beloy in 2018 approaches *INFINITY*!
That's why these global system mega banks pretend that neither he, nor their debt to him exist at all. While "John D. Rockefeller - the Richest Person To Ever Live. Period."

Rockefeller's mission included making "massive amounts of wealth in order to give it away." So was Beloy's one! What is the difference between these two persons then? The biggest banks today want to K*LL their biggest creditor S. Beloy instead of paying to him its debts and allowing him to become another "biggest philanthropist ever to live"?!!

“I believe it is every man’s religious duty to get all he can honestly and to give all he can,” John Rockefeller declared. ... I think he [Rockefeller] genuinely did believe that it was the duty of the wealthy man in the Christian sense to disperse his fortune – and in useful ways – to help others. ... He talked about this quite a lot: that the rich man shouldn’t die rich, the rich man should die having done good things with the wealth that he has created.”



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