Rothschild's banks CANCEL DEBT!

Blood Eclipse Event Of Last Centuries: Rothschild's banks suicidally destroy main essence of the banking industry, - a need to pay debts. From now on, EVERYBODY IS DEBT-FREE?!! 

There is NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT REPAYMENT OF YOUR BANKING LOAN OR MORGAGE ANYMORE?!! The Barclays Bank (BARC), with all its subdivisions around the world, as well as with its underlying Central Bank, - the legendary Bank Of England (BOE), - and under control of "Central Bank Of All Central Banks" The Bank For International Settlements (BIS), have shown the example of avoiding to pay its debts: You simply stay SILENT and not respond to any letters, emails, or phone calls about your debt! As if the debt does not exist. As simple as that! Ask Jes Staley (Barclays), Mark Carney (BOE), and ALL Rothschilds how to do that. For years(!) they have kept doing that! That is, they did not act at all when they could and should. They proudly keep silence up to this moment! Despite it's a matter of Life or Death! Be they healthy and happy.

When facing the choice of paying their debts to S. Beloy, or otherwise cancelling the debts at all, their CEOs chose the latter. And that is the key point of the Bgate scandal - "Banking Watergate 2018"!!!

It definitely has sense considering the number of people in enforcement law sector cannot even approach to the number of ALL people who has banking debt! Just do not pay any attention to your debts! It's next to impossible to force MAJORITY of people to obey a desire of some banking MINORITY to obtain the percentages that do NOT EXIST in real life (bankers know what we are talking about). The #Bgate scandal simply triggered that mind changing process for all people.

Just like banks NEVER had the money they loan to the public (well, up to 10 percents in the best), a number of law enforcement officers is much less than 10% of the Earth' population, isn't it? But that not our point.

Although some might say that NON-REPAYMENT can lead to destroying legislative system, however,  that system has already been destroyed by the above-mentioned banks to the degree the Law can be considered DEAD! The main essense of the law is to protect people's property and money from stealing. And the Barclays PLC clearly shown it may be practiced for years without any punishment!!!

So, the #Bgate is not just a case of bad quality of the Barclays Bank that failed to return money to its customer S. Beloy during 18 YEARS, which, however (why???) should be resolved in the court only, - as Barclays CEOs FRAUDULENTLY represent it to its staff, shareholders, and owners. The key feature of this #Bgate case is that a lot of people inside the Barclays/BOE knew about non-returning. Jes Staley, for example, was informed about that many months before(!) he took his post officially. However, he decided to delay any possible Settlement to the degree the non-returning became (1) STEALING, then (2) *INFINITE* DEBT, (3) LOAN TO Barclays, (4) attempt of K*LLING of S. Beloy, and ultimately (5) CANCELLING ALL DEBTS IN THE WORLD!

Add to it CANCELLING CAPITALISM, as Jes refuses to pay S. Beloy for his *JOB* OF CONTACTING THE BANK FOR YEARS! While ultimately, by common efforts of all involved banks, its CEOs are effectively K*LLING S. Beloy!!!

Unlike all the CEOs, we hope and pray he is still ALIVE!!!
Despite it matters more for the Rothschild's CEOs:


All the bankers, from Barclays/BOE/BIS to Royal and Rothschild's families, should be more than anyone else interested in finding S. Beloy, returning their debts to him (at least partially), and signing with him any kind of fair Settlement


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