To Bank Of China in Serbia (UPDATED)

Bulevar Zorana Dindica 2a, 11070 
Beograd City, Serbia

We are kindly asking you to assist Mr Sergiy Beloy, the biggest deFacto Creditor of the British Barclays Bank, in his project of URGENT stopping key Western banks from their Cancelling Global Banking Debts, which they already started to implement, - and which will have disastrous consequences for Chineese banking sector!

China is the biggest creditor for the world's economics. Cancelling all world's debts will mean NULLIFYING significant part of Chineese assets invested in other countries in the form of banking loans. The later will simply NEVER BE PAID back to China, thus making China poorer for the corresponding amount of its assets earned by hard work of all Chineese people!

At first glance the #Bgate (Beloy's/Banking Watergate Scandal Of The Century) case sounds unbelievable:
The Barclays Bank PLC, the second biggest bank of the United Kingdom, with numerous international branches around the world, does not return him his money during unprecedented 18 YEARS, during which he managed to increase the debts to him practically to *INFINITY*!!! Today the Barclays bank, together with such biggest financial players of the world as Bank Of England and The World Bank are trying to *KILL* him, instead of paying that debt at least partly!

However, this is an absolutely REAL story that happens under complete silence of all European official mass media and world's news agencies, - this is Beloy's LIFE!!!
Which currently is under serious THREAT, unless some powerful force start playing on his side, at least for preventing collapse of its own financial, economical, and political system, - and The Celestial Empire is currently the only real and independent enough power capable to resist attempts of the West to defeat what Washington officially calls its biggest enemy.

All we want to say by this is Mr Beloy's case is just the first "litmus test" for the global financial cataclisms in favor of the West in the nearest future. No matter how it can look comfortable for you today not to do anything about helping him with his case, - and helping him really URGENT!!!, - you must have no doubts that after such your silent or "no-action" allowing the West to defeat its biggest Creditor in the banking history Sergiy Beloy, CHINA WILL BE NEXT!

It is always much easier and less costly to prevent certain serious catastrophic events now, at their earlest stage, then to fight against its much bigger and worse in all senses FATAL consequences in the nearest future, - and Beloy's story is such a case both for you personally, and for your Great Country!

The kind of support we are asking to you today on behalf of Sergiy Beloy is quite modest: All he needs is just an opportunity to continue with his #Bgate project. The best way of doing this today is in Hong Kong, where subsidiaries of The Barclays Bank (as well as of all other leading world's banks) are located, and where he could contact with them directly. And we ask you to find opportunity for FUNDING visit of Sergiy Beloy to Hong Kong. In particular, for URGENT purchasing airticket from Belgrade (Beograd), Serbia, where he is now, and staying in Hong Kong for at least 14 days that are allowed with his passport. Please note the Hong Kong rules for his passport require presense of a return ticket into any third country (Sergiy has no intention to return to Serbia as it is not his native country; during last months he is simply forced by the Barclays bank to move from country to country without permanent place of living and right foor a job or any source of income).

But Sergiy Beloy is not a begger!
Despite of his current literally 
he has a hugely UNPRECEDENTED 
UNLIMITED(!!!) DEBT to him 
from biggest world's banks!

This allows Mr Beloy to launch his own ALTERNATIVE MONEY with that INFINITE debt behind it as collateral. The code name for it is BMoney (Barclays/BOE's debt to Beloy):

It is IN INTERESTS OF CHINA to be either in control of his BMoney launching, or helping Beloy to settle his debt with the Barclays Bank (branch of which is located in Hong Kong) for eliminating the whole precident that already may be used as a formal reason for NOT PAYING BANKING DEBTS BY EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD!

Until the Barclays/BOE pay their debt to Beloy in full, the BMoney may be used absolutely legitimately.
Moreover, if related bank remove Sergiy Beloy, - and this is what they try to do RIGHT NOW!, - their INFINITE debt and corresponding CANCELLATION OF USURY AND COLLAPSE OF BANKING INDUSTRY WILL LAST FOREVER!!!

Anyway, support and/or participating in related Beloy's media projects can create powerful arguments of China in its political and financial negotiations with its Western competitors.

The aim of the proposed Beloy's visit to Hong Kong is his probably last attempt to SETTLE his debt FOR ANY FAIR AMOUNT, thus preventing FATAL consequences of the FACT of already existent precedent of open refusal to pay debts, which will ALLOW EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD TO FORGET ABOUT PAYING ITS BANKING LOANS, MORTGAGES, ...,  AS WELL AS STATE DEBTS TO ALL WORLD'S BANKS!

On the other side, supporting Beloy's case will create absolutely unique opportunity for Hong Kong Government to reverse the history and win financially the Great Britain, whose banks used to initiated opium wars with corresponding consequences for China:

Today the main Central Bank of the UK (Bank Of England) can be considered de-facto BANKRUPT, because of failing to pay practically INFINITE debt of its "system" ("Too-Big-To-Fail") Barclays Bank to its customer Sergiy Beloy (The Bank Of China, a "system" bank for Chineese and Hong Kong   economy for many years, knows importance of that very well ). In turn, that may mean bankruptcy of the whole Great Britain!!!

The aim of the proposed Beloy's visit to Hong Kong is his probably last attempt to SETTLE his debt FOR ANY FAIR AMOUNT, thus preventing FATAL consequences of the FACT of already existent precedent of open refusal to pay debts, which will allow EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD TO FORGET ABOUT PAYING ITS BANKING LOANS, MORTGAGES, ...,  AS WELL AS STATE DEBTS TO ALL WORLD'S BANKS!

Sergiy Beloy cannot obtain a visa to the UK (where main headquarters of the Barclays PLC are located), USA (which is a main Barclays' focus), and Europe (there are some restrictions with rules of his current passport). But he is allowed to enter Hong Kong, where there are branches of the Barclays Bank, as well as all biggest bankers of the world, who would be interested in any kind of settlement for this case.

There can be various forms of possible support of Mr Beloy: Financing (sponsoring or/and investing) his private efforts, media campaign, or financial project(s) for reaching final settlement of his private debts and thus preventing triggering next financial crisis, as a private person; or under official auspuces of Chineese GOVERNMENT, MEDIA, etc., - for IDEOLOGICAL, POLITICAL, OR ECONOMICAL reasons. 
Anyway, just to prove
The Justice Exists!

We can arrange a meeting of Sergiy Beloy with representstives of The Bank of China Serbia.

Please note, Barclays bank has bankrupted S. Beloy, and because of that he currently exists under impossible for existence conditions

The best possible way to help him IMMEDIATELY is transferring at least 1,000 US$  to his name to Belgrade, Serbia via WesternUnion (with obligatory note "Not for investment or business purposes", otherwise it will not be possible to obtain it). The WesternUnion transfers are implemented within minutes!

More details for this story can be found at
personal blog of Sergiy Beloy:

Here is VIDEO about his case he made in December:

If you not heard about Barclays Bank before, here is one of Beloy's videos about it he compiled personally from major media sources like BBC, CNN, etc. You see,  during last years he was forced by the Barclays bank to study related subjects very DEEPLY!!!!!

Please respond us as soon as possible!
It is fully IN YOUR INTERESTS!!!

International Support Team for Sergiy Beloy
and his BMoney (Barclays/BOE debt to Beloy)


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