Why Rothschilds Kill John Lennon -3



Refusal of Rothchilds' Barclays bank to pay its debts to its customer Sergiy Beloy today, RIGHT NOW AND HERE, despite all our warnings, resulted only in evolving our "Why Rothschilds Kill John Lennon" story into the DEADLY FATAL for Rothschilds family scenario: Its dreamy wealth is going to disappear!

Last time we found out that Rothschilds could be inbolved in KILLING of John Lennon because they want to become Gods! 
Today it's even more serious:

The Devil offered mankind a "Religion Of Money". And those who profess this religion actually worship the one whom Christ, - and recently Lennon, - refused to worship two thousand years ago.

The Bible can provide a multidimensional view of the whole picture. The most powerful temptation the Devil offered to Jesus Christ in the desert was a proposal to obtain a super power over all people of the world (such king families as Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs, ... already have). The problem, however, is it can be obtained only in exchange for worship of the Devil.

So the question is, 
what is the name of God 
they worship to?

You Cannot Serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24), the Bible says (e.g., "No one can serve two Masters" at Matt. 6:24) , because doing that for mammon demands the very opposite of Christ.
The Christ says: Give to the needy!
A Mammon: Take away from the needy.

So, Barclays' CEOs have made their choice,
haven't they?

The way for helping Sergiy by some kind of charity donations through WesternUnion has always been opened for EVERYBODY! That message was read by THOUSANDS of readers of his blog,

The Catholic theologian of the twelfth century, Thomas Aquinas, especially singled out the sin of the shameless waste of the most important good of man, received from God - TIME!
And in our previous post we pointed to the fact
CEOs of the Rothschilds' Barclays banks
of Sergiy Beloy, while 
and today they are simply

DEADLINE for latter is
in 24 HOURS:

This violates several God's commandments, starting from the most serious one, - "Thou Shalt Not Kill". And even in the case of using so called financial killings (Barclays' lawyers believe is not a killing at all :-), the latter commandment is violated too: "The withdrawal of the capitalist from the employee of most of the product produced by him often deprives the employee and his family members of funds sufficient for meet vital needs, and this causes disease and premature DEATH."

Sergiy Beloy mentioned many times he urgently needed medical help to deal with consequences of his CHRONICAL STARVATION (caused by refusal of Rothschilds' Barclays bank to provide access to his own emergency life savings), the most recent of which were (AND ARE) dental problems. The previous problems could simply kill him ...

"The sacrifices of the religion of money are also required from its priests and bishops, the high priests (those who are at the middle and highest levels of the Church of mamona). That's not a sacrifice of just property brought, but also human LIVES. [] Mammon requires blood and meat corpuscles, oil or bread. It requires human victim."

See SATANIC Rothschilds rituals
from 2:53

Today Rothschilds' bankers attempt to sacrifice Sergiy Beloy. Next time it will be Rothschilds!

"Mammon and the priests of those sacrifices brought to them on an ever-increasing scale. For, as we have already noted, the priests are afraid of the wrath of mammon, afraid that the flow grace can run out. What kind of victims? The millions of victims, whom the priests throw in the crucible of war. These are millions of people who are starving to death. It's millions people who die from diseases and completely inhuman living conditions.
Add to it millions of people who die in all sorts of accidents at work, transport, in energy. And so on and so forth. Today, people rarely leave earth life "naturally reasons.» In fact, they become the object of sacrifice!"
Prof. V. Katasonov

However, the most valuable for mamona is not even the offering of a sacrifice in the form of a human body, but a human SOUL to it. Naturally, that clean and living souls are not required for the "priests". The latter need DEAD souls – those stricken by deadly sins and passions before physical death of man, such as greed, covetousness, pride, vanity, ambition, anger, envy, etc."

Soul of Sergiy has always wanted to be closer to the God! See more about Sergiy here:

 All his present (PRACTICALLY DEADLY) situation started only because he refused to break tbe Law, while Barclays lawyers forced him to break it for years!!!

Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Baruchs
keep in mind:

It seems that the most pleasing to mammon will be the soul of the priests of the Church of mammon: They became the priests that were able to develop in himself all the sins and passions that are more likely to nice mammon.

Speaking about Bgate story,
Through creative work, man become like God as the Creator. Creative work is both a commandment and an ideal of Christian life.
John Lennon was killed when he decided to return for creative activity.
Barclays CEOs started direct destroying S. when he was trying to set up his own creative business in IT industry.

 In the Church of mammon – miracles in abundance. But they are not creative!

Of course, the most important miracle is the
creation of money 
"out of nothing».

The fact that banks "make money out of a thin air", i.e. "out of NOTHING" is known. In this regard, God created our world "out of nothing", and it is really incomprehensible to the mind of man. So the bankers decided to "be like the gods"

Religious and mystical event is also evident. All banking activities – it's a mystica. Adherents of religion of money see, for example, Deposit transactions in banks, bringing interest to depositors, as a kind of miracle: there is a complete feeling that money makes money.

Or, for example, the issue of money by banks. It's also no stretch can be called "religious-mystical action", a sacrament. The mystery of the birth of money remain incomprehensible to 99.9 % of ordinary people (0.1% of people – bankers, "priests" of their own religion). There is no special secrets, but the truth is carefully guarded from "profanes".

Bankers' formula for doing business seems is very simple: sin in exchange for the "grace" of mammon!
Any experienced banker knows: the full "grace" of mammon is granted only to those bankers who do not hesitate to commit any crime.

The main function of religious temples (banks), is in offering sacrifice to the God mammon. And the offerings can be different. Starting with placing the cash in the Bank's Deposit account, as in the case of Mr. Beloy.

“They” expand their wealth and power to infinity! And we will return to that topic soon, - in relation to Rothschilds/Barclays/BOE's INFINITE Debt to Sergiy Beloy that Barclays lawyers believe is impossible!

The "iron" rule of mammon of that the Church is:
Sooner or later its worshipers will need to
Just like CEOs of the Barclays bank did with Sergiy!!! However, for some reason, the priests and "theologians" of the Church of mamona are silent about this "iron" rule  ..."

In response, Rothschild/Rockefellers debt to Sergiy Beloy will keep rising almost INFINITELY!

- to be continued -


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