Open Letter To Rothschilds of July 30

Your Barclays CEOs must stop "playing a fool": This is not a case of evidently and unprecedently bad quality of their banking service. This is the case of open DENYING NECESSITY TO PAY DEBT!

And by whom? By second biggest British bank with over 325 years of history, which is a "system"  bank with a special status in corporate world, older than main British Central Bank, which has been a model for all banks around the world since sixteen century, - the famous  Bank Of England (BOE) - that also supports the denial! Together with evident approval of The Bank For International Settlements, "Central Bank Of All World's Central Banks". And ultimately, without any objection from Rothschild family!
(During last five years S. Beloy did his best to contact and inform properly ALL above-mentioned structures).

It is needless to remind you that processing debts is a key and the most fundamental type of operations for all banks. Modern money is called "Debt Money", and you perfectly know why, especially considering that MOST of all existing money has been created fraudently unofficially by all existing banks, -  specifically for supporting creating debts in the form of banking loans,  in addition to the remaining few percents printed by Central Banks officially.

Let us remind you that for Barclays CEOs there is absolutely no reason for not returning money from at least initial Beloy's accounts. The only formal excuse that might exist in the past could be their difficulties in identifying S. Beloy. However, that problem was very small, and could easily be resolved within minutes simply by picking up the phone. And at least since 2016 the problem diappeared completely: The Barclays sent to his home address its check towards any future Settlement, which however was impossible to cash in his country, thus accepting by its cover letter signed by Barclays CEO that (a) their debt is real, and (b) they have no reason to doubt his identity and address. Thus no debt has been paid up to NOW, with a need to sell because of that Beloy's apartment at that address one year later for a fraction of its cost for paying actually Barclays' debts.

By allowing themselves not to pay debts, - in our case during unprecedented 18 years, with a clearly shown intention NEVER to pay it at all!, - CEOs of the Barclays/BOE banks irreversibly DESTROY BANKING SYSTEM, based mostly on obtaining profit due to existing a requirement to pay debts.
Because when the biggest banks with three hundred years' history, under silent approvement of the most influential bank in the world located in Basel, Switzerland, - all of which are under control of the most wealthy families of the world, starting directly from YOU, Rothschild's family, - show the example of intentional neglecting their direct obligations and officially(!) state that there is no need to pay debts, who on earth will ever agree to pay his or her banking debts and morgages then?!!

See our previous post:
To PRESS Re. Rothschild's Bgate

All countries today are in debt. In debt that is impossible for them to return, even with mutual cross-payment settlement. Because they all are in debt to the third party, - world bankers, who because of that have more power then governments.
By refusing to pay its debts during whole 18 years, the Rothschild's Barclays bank with its "Lender-of-Last-Resort" BOE destroy any Future not just for S. Beloy, whom they are attempting to KILL in the Present. They  destroy opportunities for wealthy FUTURE for ALL bankers and related financial elite,
who aim to obtain leading positions in their New World Order due to extending to the future their current power based on manipulations with existing national debts.

Money is a promise to pay debt. Take away a requirement to pay debts, - and that's exactly what CEOs of the Barclays practice today, - and MONEY WILL DISAPPEAR!

The money about which legends say Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild presumably said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" Well, today descendants of his family are permitted to issue money, both formally and unformally, - but what profit from it they will be able to obtain without people's TRUST into Rothschild's promise to pay the debt?

The trust is the most important thing behind any money, let alone for today's 'fiat' papers not supported by anything (well, its so called "partial reserving" can pay partially, to the first 10% requests only, but it's a kind of "partial trust", which cannot be considered a reliable  real trust already).

No wonder S. Beloy was forced to invent his own alternative BMoney that is based on 100% Trust to him personally, - without signing any debt obligations, which can be paid with unprecedented for any bank petcentage up to *THOUSAND* PERCENTS after returning to him the Barclays/BOE's debts in full.
And it does not really matter whether there is 100% legal proof for existence each of those debts. The BMoney  may remain in circulation until the final Settlement is implemented. And if related CEOs keep avoiding such settlement, - Beloy's BMoney monetary system WILL EXIST FOR CENTURES!

You also must know that for launching any money only certain critical number of its believers is required. After reaching that number, the whole ball will keep rolling out on its own. The higher promised return, the more people will be encouraged to be involved into the game. And BMoney is capable to offer UNLIMITED PERCENTAGE, - because it's based on INFINITE DEBT!!!

In other words, S. Beloy has managed to ricochet Barclays' deadly dangerous attacks against him back to its CEOs: The longer they hesitate with any fair Settlement for this case (final sum may be a subject of quick or even instant negotiation) with continuing their childishly unresponsive behavioir, thus actually killing S. Beloy, what they are doing right NOW, - the higher possibility of their commiting a double, tripple, or MULTI-MURDER, - of banking industry, Capitalism, Money, Themselves, and the rest of the world because of triggering the next (last) financial crisis.

The Rothschild's Barclays/BOE/BIS broke the balance, a fragile equilibrium in the banking industry. All conflicts and wars in the world are result of certain unresolved disbalances, weather created deliberately because of bad criminal will, or from ignorance, botn of which are unexceptable for top positions at top CEO levels.

We are asking Rothschild's family,
or anyone with a power for that, to

If Rothschilds cannot resolve this actually simple management problem in their own interests, where stakes for them are incredibly high, who can?

The first step should be in
stopping killing  S. Beloy,
who is just first link in this
chain of related killings!!!

Make your best for sending URGENTLY any amount you think is appropriste for current situation to the name of S. Beloy through any money transfer service (email details) towards any future Settlement.

We hope he is still ALIVE!
And that it's not too late..


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